A companion app that adjusts to how you feel and guides you through it
with God.

Worry, excited, sad, happy, just tell the app how you feel and it will
show you the relevant contents you need.
With varying topics and interest curated based on how you feel at the
moment, HelloGod provides multi-format contents for anyone at anytime,
anywhere to stay connected with God.

Worry, excited, sad, happy, just tell the app how you feel and it will
show you the relevant contents you need.
With varying topics and interest curated based on how you feel at the
moment, HelloGod provides multi-format contents for anyone at anytime,
anywhere to stay connected with God.

A sharing community where everyone are ready to pray and support you.
Life comes with challenges, achievements, struggles and miracles.
Whatever it is, share it here anonymously with a supportive community
where we can get or give prayers to each other.

A sharing community where everyone are ready to pray and support you.
Life comes with challenges, achievements, struggles and miracles.
Whatever it is, share it here anonymously with a supportive community
where we can get or give prayers to each other.

A smart bible app that enables you to easily dig more treasures from
His words.
Find these icons
scattered around the Smart Bible where you'll be directed to related
sermons or articles that give you new perspective and deeper

A smart bible app that enables you to easily dig more treasures from
His words.
Find these icons
scattered around the Smart Bible where you'll be directed to related
sermons or articles that give you new perspective and deeper

Whatever you're feeling right now, open HelloGod.
Whatever you're feeling right now, open HelloGod.